Do you receive 1099-MISC forms?
If you are self-employed or own a small business you usually receive 1099-MISC forms instead of W2s.
For as long as we’ve been doing taxes we’ve been seeing 1099-MISC forms issued with the company name and the owner’s social, or vice versa. Beginning last year, we saw a tremendous amount of pushback from the IRS on this. If you have a business (LLC, C-Corp or S-Corp) with its own Employer Identification Number (EIN) check your 1099-MISC forms for 2014. Make sure that if they are issued for work your business performed that they list your business name and your business EIN, not your name and social security number. If any form does not have matching information ask the payor to correct the form. If you do not chances are good you will be corresponding with the IRS when your forms fail match what the IRS is expecting.